Summer Solstice

The longest day of the year, the earths tilt is at its maximum and the sun appears at the highest point in the sky. It is the beginning of summer and marks the longest periods of daylight in the entire year.

The astronomical phenomenon that are the solstices and equinoxes have fascinated me since I was a child. They felt magical, mysterious, other worldly, full of folklore, legend, ethereal spirit captivated me then and now.

My spiritual practice has come to me from this place, I treasure and cherish it.

For me, the wheel of the year is about honouring the earths cycle, its seasonal rhythm, the continual journey of light and dark.

It keeps me grounded, gives me a sense of belonging as well as transiency, I am merely passing through.

It gives me a sense of connection, a sense of something bigger than me, an anchor and reminder of what is important to me.

For me there is a resonance to my spiritual practice and counselling practice, as seasons shift it is the constant reminder of change, transitioning, the ebb and flow, lightness and darkness.

What is deeply personal and often kept out of view, yet weaves through me, human psychology takes the view that we are not fixed, or static, we are always in process. All living things with the right conditions look for growth to reach their potential, this connects my beliefs and my work.

The wheel of the year

The solstice and equinox mark the four quarter wheels and the height of the season, these are the solar festivals.

Autumn Equinox – equal amount of daylight and darkness

Winter Solstice – shortest day and longest night

Spring Equinox – equal amount of daylight and darkness

Summer Solstice – the longest day

The fire festivals mark each seasons beginning and are the cross quarters of the wheel.

Imbolc – represents the quickening of light and life

Beltaine – heralds summer and fertility

Lammas – festival of the first harvest

Samhain – marks the descent of winter


I still feel the childlike awe, of how the earth is celebrated across historically and in the present, across cultures. For me, It brings a connection to the ancestors, that for many thousands of years humans have noticed and observed the earths cycles and have looked for meaning and understanding within them.

Germanic, Celtic and Slavic cultures celebrated Midsummer with feasting, bonfires were lit to banish evil spirits and demons.

Native American tribes celebrated with ceremonial sun dances.

Mayan and Aztecs built temples.

Ancient China, the summer solstice was a time for honouring the earth, femininity and the force known as Yin.

Many people continue to celebrate midsummer, the above is not exhaustive, just a flavour from across the globe and across time.



The wheel of the year and counselling both ask for reflection.

The summer solstice specifically is a reminder to turn inward and find the nourishment needed to grow and evolve.

It is a time to pause and wait for the energy planted in the spring to reach full bloom., a lesson in patience. As the sun gives us long days and long nights, our crops and harvest grow, it is also the continual journey from darkness to light. A time to remember the light we have within us.

Summer reminds us that there is hope in the world. It is a time to work on ourselves, our ability to be the light, find meaning, even when it seems uncertain. This is the rhythm of nature; new beginnings transition in a period of uncertainty.


The wheel is for me, an anchor, a reminder to check in with myself, to acknowledge my achievements, to set my intentions and to think about what serves me and what I may need to let go of and release,

Summer Solstice, when light is in abundance, reflects the light that is within us.

It is an opportunity to pause, to feel the sun on my face, to express gratitude for what I have, to ground myself and reconnect with the earth and nature.

A time to check in with myself, to recognise the distance travelled since the Winter Solstice, the things I’ve learnt and achieved, what came from challenging times, recognising the impact of my inner critic and limiting beliefs, letting go of what doesn’t serve me. How are my values and boundaries, am I sabotaging them? How am I practising self-care?

None of us can pour from an empty cup. A space to make time to acknowledge, consider and commit to my inner work, so that I can be in service to others.


Committing to writing this first blog has been a challenging process, I set it as a goal on the Spring Equinox. It feels exposing, different theoretical frameworks have different positions on what is personal and what as therapists we show and use of ourselves.

For me, it is the resonance of ebb and flow, lightness and darkness, to stand in the light of summer solstice, is to stand in my own light. As a counsellor, I feel that my work is to walk alongside as a supportive ally, holding hope for others as they explore their own light, their darkness and shadows. This feels fundamental to the human journey.

You may or may not celebrate the longest day, but wherever you are, I hope the sun’s rays shine and you feel their warmth.

Blessed Be.